Despite our large number, NinetyEight was built on small things. We’re small in size, age, bureaucracy and BS. Don’t get it wrong: we love our small size. As a team of hybrids, we are a complete marketing agency, and we don’t need to be any bigger. So maybe quantity doesn’t equal quality. Maybe you’re looking for digital marketing experts who specialize in targeting Gen Z. Maybe you’re looking for NinetyEight, the creative agency that does all that, and just happens to be small.

Don’t underestimate our size. Born in the COVID-19 pandemic, NinetyEight was founded on the principle of being tiny but mighty. As young entrepreneurs, we don’t shy away from opportunity, we indulge in it. We’re the agency of pitch hitters, clutch shooters, and Gen Zs who dare to dream. In a way, nothing about us is small. Our ambition, determination, and number of ideas are all limitless.

Our Origin Story
Team Profiles
Board of Advisors

Origin Story

They say senior year is supposed to be an extra special year. To us, it was — just not in the way we expected. We started in the M-School of Loyola Marymount University, studying to enter the advertising industry. As the pandemic hit in 2020, we could only watch as our 4 years of hard work culminated into what seemed like nothing. Our job opportunities, internships, and general planned future slowly disappeared before our eyes. Entering the final weeks of college, we received an email from our professors titled "Starting an Agency." In it, one sentence stuck out to all of us:

"If you can't find a job, go out and make your own."

With our skills and knowledge from college, we got started on our first project, then our first pitch, first logo, first campaign, and a number of other firsts. Before long, we had constructed our own marketing agency: NinetyEight. All born in 1998, our team is driven by the hope of Gen Z. Like the koi, we swim upstream: unafraid to go against the norm and carve our own path.

With NinetyEight, you can speak to and with Gen Z.

Board of Advisors

Yumi Prentice
Partner at Rich Talent Group (Former President of David & Goliath)
Kinley Lagrange
Director of Marketing at Wombi

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Dan Brockwell
Co-Founder at Earlywork(Fellow Gen-Z!)

Expertise: Start-up Growth & Management, Thought Leadership, Web UX / Strategy

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